Friday, October 18, 2013

Oculus Rift--Plug into The Matrix!

For so long gamer-kind has been teased with the idea of virtual reality.  Some of us remember Nintendo's attempt with their system The Virtual Boy.  With its odd red and black image display, and the burning sensation players would feel in their eyes after 30 minutes of use. It was clear--we weren't viewing video games through those ruby lenses, but the blazing depths of Hell. 

Virtual Boy Born: July 21, 1995  Died: March 2, 1996  Source
                    Rumor has it that the Virtual Boy's creator, Gunpei Yokoi, was punished for the system's failure by being made to man a booth for the dead system at a 1996 gaming convention.  Despite the appearance and title of the console, it was in no way virtual reality.  The experience was more akin to sitting really, really, close to your TV while playing your Super Nintendo--after having been punched in the eyes.

The only other bit of virtual technology I could recall was back in the way rad early 90's.  When I was a little kid on a trip to Disney World I was lucky enough to be selected to beta-test a virtual reality game based on the movie Aladdin.  I remember putting on the virtual goggles and flying through the streets of an animated Agrabah on a rig that reminded me of a stationary motorcycle.  Thankfully a blog post by one of the men who worked on the project, Avi Bar-Zeev, confirms that the project was real and not one of my childhood hallucinations. 

Fast-forward to present day.  Not a lot has happened with virtual technology--that is until one hell of a Kickstarter project occurred in 2012.  Enter The Rift!  The Oculus Rift's goal was to reach $250,000 in made it to $2,437,429 within 30 days.  It gained an additional $16 million in funding from Matrix Partners and Spark Capital.

Much like Gangnam Style and Miley Cyrus antics, The Rift has even attracted The Today Show's attention.  The system will be the first affordable virtual reality set to be used in households.  It should be interesting to see how this will change gaming, as well as other aspects of our lives.  An article on the Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry site explains future healthcare possibilities,
"The idea behind using VR for healthcare is to completely immerse patients in a computer-generated world where they can undergo therapy and training in a safe, artificial environment controlled by a clinician."

Some major games will be supporting the device.  Imagine how much creepier Ravenholm will be in Half-Life 2 when you walk through a dark room, turn your face, and see a headcrab leaping at you!

Virtual reality will allow us to immerse our selves in fantasies.  Some light, some oh so dark.

How realistic will VR become? What other sensations will we one day feel beyonds sights and sounds?        Throw in the omnidirectional treadmill and we're that much closer to having Star Trek's holodeck.

Speaking of sensations...not two seconds after the whole, "Hey they'll probably make porn out of this thing," joke was made, it stopped being a joke.  A naughty little Japanese title called Custom 3D Maid will be Oculus Rift compatible and will come with a special controller called Ju-C Air which can only be piloted by males--if ya know what I'm sayin'!  

Ah the human sex drive, well I believe Jeff Goldblum said it best in Jurassic Park "Life, uh... finds a way."

First we resurrect long-dead prehistoric beast, then we make sex with dead-eyed, virtual characters a reality.  For this we must endure the judgmental gaze of Goldblum!

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